Saturday, March 23, 2013

Who doesn't love instant gratification.....

Saturday evening, four tops done.  This is my TNT knit top pattern.  The pattern is sized so that a stable double knit is perfect with a 1/4" seam allowance.  The looser the knit, the bigger the side seams I have to take.  Pretty easy.  I love the slouchy collar on Sewaholic's Renfrew, so thought I would give drafting it a go.
This was my muslin.  #1
I cut the collar as a large rectangle, the upper portion, was on the fold.  The width of the rectangle (collar) was the same width as the neck opening in my shirt.  The height of the rectangle (collar) was 6".  The side of the rectangle would be the back seam.  I then unfolded the collar, stitched the 12" long back seam together and then I had a long tube, the circumference of my neckline.  I folded it in half, right sides out, and attached to the neckline.  Then topstitched along the base of the collar.  Here is the result.  I like it, but the collar/cowl is not as drapey as I imagined it would be. 
My husband likes it.  (-:
Muslin #2.  I decided a trapezoid shape for the collar pattern, instead of a rectangle.  This time I made the trapezoid 12" deep, and the top of it being 1 1/2" wider than the base. The wider part of the collar (top of trapezoid) was cut on the fold and then just like the previous version, sewn into a long tube, folded rights sides out and then attached to the neckline.  It is emerald green in real life,   I did not hem it, but added a self band, way nicer than a wonky hem on this thin knit! 

Here is the collar / cowl extended.  Might be nice on a cold windy day!

After wearing a few hours, I felt the collar was too deep and needed to be even wider at the upper portion. So...  Muslin #3
This collar is also a trapezoid.  The upper width of pattern piece is 3" wider than the base. This time only 8" deep, cut on fold.  Then followed same insertion as above.  And this one is JUST RIGHT!  I love it.   

This fourth top, was actually the first one I made this weekend (my weekend started on Friday! yippee)  The collar is from Off the Cuff - Sewing Style

Now what next..... I need a spring jacket..... and some spring skirts....and some spring jeans.... but alas, I think I best go make dinner first. 
Tomorrow.... another whole day of sewing ahead of me. 
Stay Happy,
Keep Sewing,
and if you can't sew,
enjoy doing what you CAN do!


  1. Love all your tops, but #4 is my favourite - the collar is so simple but stylis ... intriguing ... J

  2. So nice when the garments work out.... These are all great looking tops....and what an adorable face :)
